Monday, December 28, 2009

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

My gf has myspace, I don't, but ever since I mentioned I'd occasionally check hers out, she has been her comments to private. We talk on MSN, and she says that myspace is usually when she is reluctantly added by the sleazy guys who populate her area, that she meets at parties.

Anyway I wondered why she had done this, and while browsing myspace I realised you can swap ID numbers in the URL to see hidden comment sections. I noticed this entirely unrelatedly but I though, might as well see hers.

And I saw a post of her saying: My comments can sometimes be really incriminating so hidden is best. Hate being asked questions about things!

It was in response to a guy semi-jokingly saying "we would be perfect together ;)" after he recently became single.

What do I do? Talk to her about it? Ignore it? I have mega problems with jealousy, I'm just starting to realise.. but what should I think?

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

what the hell?

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

Its called privacy. Girls want privacy sometimes. Just forget about it

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

An old Indian saying

Be careful when hunting Tigers you might find one.

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

relax... myspace could not break you up...

Happy New Year!!!

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

make her delete it myspace is GAY... i havnt been on myspace in so0o0o long get a facebook and grow the F uppp. PS ur gf a SL*T

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

Suspect!! Surely she can edit her privacy settings so 'sleazy guys' cant add her.........

I think she is up to something and if she is not then she wont mind you having the password so you can check it out for yourself........

She wouldnt like it if it was the other way round

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

i doubt she is doing anything with other guys, she is just joking around with them and she will stay with you. you shouldnt worry, just remember, she is going out with you, not them.

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

You are obviously insecure so I would try and talk with her about it. However she is entitled to her privacy just as you are. How would you feel if she was checking up on you???

Also why do you not trust her?

tread carefully as this could mess your relationship up.

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

Ignore it. 90% of guys on Myspace are just looking for a piece of ***. By keeping her comments private she won't need to worry about all these guys who would contact her just to flirt and hit on her,

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

Omg this has happened to me with my bf.

ANd i am exactly like really jealous..

Well i think you should tell her.

Bcuz its not gonna get off ur mind until u tell her.

%26amp;%26amp; besides that **** is shady..tell her whats up with that.

%26amp; dont let her flip the situation and tell u stuff like omg its just myspace..

Cuz it may b myspace but she shouldnt b flirting like dat with guys.

!Hope it helps..

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

Myspace, in my opinion, is not for people who are in relationships. I think it adds way to much temptation, and could be a threat to any relationship. I personally have never felt the need to have a MySpace. If you can not trust her, and she feels that she can not share her comments with you, then she also feels that it is inappropriate. If that's the case, and she still feels the need to have this space over your feelings, I would dump her, and quick.

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

to see her comments when theyre hidden, find her ID number in the link and copy it....go to her myspace page, and the link at the top willl look like this

http//profile.myspace com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user viewprofile%26amp;friendid=XXXXXXXX

or like this

http//profile.myspace com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user viewprofile%26amp;friendid=XXXXXXX%26amp;M yToken =6f90e180-7d02-4e36-a072-435d1056078d

where the Xes are, is where her ID number will be

then go to someones myspace where they dont have their commetns hidden, and click view all comments or w/e

copy the link of the page where all of the comments are

it should look like this

http//comment.myspace com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user viewComments%26amp;friendID=XXXXXXXXX

paste her ID where the Xes are and click enter and you can see her commetns

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

Honestly , the one thing you don't want to do is show her that you don't trust her . I don't know why she would hide her comments . Yes it does sound weird . You can't help but to make you wonder if she's hiding something . You really need to trust her and not get into her things . I know that it's tough going each day wondering if she's messing around . And it is hard to ignore . But what makes it really hard is checking her my space aqnd wondering what she is hiding . So either you can come on out and ask her why she is hiding the comments or just try to ignore it .

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

First off, we girls need our privacy, she won't like/trust you snooping thru her stuff. and also, if you trust her, you would know she wouldn't do that. just ask her about it. honesty is the best thing you could ask for in a relationship.

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

I have a myspace too and my bf as well but but he is not on my friends list and his profile is set to private so I can't see his page at all.We have talked about this nunerous times but he just said that he wants his privacy so I let it go.Man, you just have to trust your gf just as I trust my bf.But if she screws you over,then you can take matters into your own hands.Goodluck!=]

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

i would talk to her about it, for it might be something important that she doesn't want to talk about, i know for i do occasionally hide my comments, but it might be that she is trying to protect you and not let you see that someone might be hitting on her, if so, i think that you should talk to her about it, but it might be that she doesn't want any random people seeing her messages, for some might be insulting, or it might be a wee bit pervish, either way just sit down with her and tell her that you are willing to help, but you can't help her unless she talks to you about it, and also mention that it makes you sick knowing that something that repulsive might be happening to her, and that you'll do anything to help stop it

that's what i would do, but it is completly up to you

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

The bigger problem here, Dear Question Asker, is that you are dating a girl that uses myspace. Everyone knows myspace users have the average IQ of a box of kleenex and use myspace as a hook-up clearinghouse to find other intellectually challenged individuals with the same taste in music and a matching zip code.

Dude, you don't use myspace, so you are already SO MUCH cooler than your girlfriend. Hell, you probably have a account! Dump that girl for a sexier, slightly less ditzy facebook user with bigger boobs. And then you can come back here when girlfriend #2 blocks you on facebook. Toodles!

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

Talk to her about! If you plan to be together in the future/marriage/lying and cheating won't fill in the gaps. Be up front. Tell her how much you feel about her and go from there.

Things don閳ユ獩 have to be complicated.

The truth really does work!

The truth is not an excuse to be callous and mean, but the mere fact that the truth (about ourselves or others) is not as pleasant as a lie doesn閳ユ獩 mean lying is the right choice.

We grow to become better than we are. If no one is honest with us, we cannot see what to work on.

Whether you are talking about partners or children, they need to know the truth. We aren閳ユ獩 all smart, tall, pretty, or successful. That閳ユ獨 the truth.

If Barbie were a real person she would fall over on her face and never be able to get up.

Ken would wipe that plastic smile off of his face after he got passed over the third time for a promotion, and he would start getting a little stressed over how to pay for that dream house.

Barbie and Ken do alright because their whole world is plastic.

None of our lives or bodies will be able to keep up with them because we are living in the real world.

We need to have lives that are realistic, setting goals that are realistic, and having realistic expectations of others.

That閳ユ獨 the truth. And it works.

Ever since myspace launched nearly four years ago, offering free home pages to whoever wanted one, users have flocked to hunt for "friends." With more than 64 million profiles on the network, it's like an all-you-can-eat socializing buffet. You can hunt for beautiful, charismatic members of the opposite sex easily and anonymously, visiting home pages to your hearts content. The only thing missing: nude photos, which are a no-no on myspace. What's up with that?Isn't that why Al Gore invented the internet in the first place?

Don't Worry...Be Happy~

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

If that is the worst thing you saw (and if you are so jealous I can hardly believe you'd have stopped without reading a lot more) I don't think you have anything to worry about that she is seriously into these guys. She might just like joking around with them, but she's afraid you would misunderstand (or her mom or someone) so she hid it. It might mean, though that she is not super into a serious commitment with you right now. not in the way you'd like her to be.

It might really turn her off if she thinks you are looking over her shoulder. OTOH it sounds like you're really upset, and won't be able to just ignore your concerns.... but maybe you could try to have a serious talk about your relationship in a way that does not include that you were "spying" on her on her silly myspace?

If she doesn't want to talk about it, or make any plans with you for the future, or if she starts making excuses not to see you - -those are signs that maybe you and she are just not on the same level right now.

My girlfriend has hidden her comments section on myspace?

well one, she probably hiding something!!! but it's myspace, so i wouldn't worry.but the best thing to do is to stay off her myspace

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