Not sure if I'm missing some points at the moment, but why is MySpace so dangerous to young kids? The ones who get raped or beaten are usually stupid enough to put real info about themselves on their profile. They should be smart enough to not do that and take advantage of all the privacy options offered by the website. Instead of the news discouraging children from it, they should encourage them to use it wisely instead. And plus, it is one of the best ways to keep in touch with your friends and family, especially if it's the new trend these days.
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
It's just as danagerous for children to go to the mall alone or walk to school alone.
Who the hell knows. As a kid we would shoot each other with bb guns. Nowadays you wouldn't be able to find a parent willing to give a kid a butter knife until they are 18 years old.
I put money on it that it is a huge non issue produced by a slow newsday.
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
Because of so many pediphiles and kids who freely give their personal info and talk to anyone and everyone. They think the bad things couldn't happen to them.
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
Stupid or not, they are kids, they are supposed to think everything is innocent etc and not believe something like that would really happen to them. That is why myspace is so dangerous for kids.
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
EXACTLY. You don't even need an answer, because you just described my exact viewpoint on the situation. :)
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
Its dangerous because kids can be dumb and creeps get on that site and find the ones dumb enough to meet them in person.
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
it is dangerous when kids give out to much personal info where any one can access it
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
its nto dangerous . stupid kids are going on there saying their name their school friends ect. along with that posting pictures and their age. get the stupid parents to quit complaning and pay attention to their child so they arent talking to pervs
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
Because this world is full of mutants.
They look like ordinary people but believe me they are not!
Have fun but be safe.
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
sadly it is dangerous because it preys on those who have low self esteme...
kids are very volnerable to wanting attention - if they make a site and have lots of "friends" on it.. they feel good.. if they only have a few "friends" on it they feel bad.. and lets fact it most of this "friends" are total strangers
kids are not smart enough.. they WANT to beleive people are what they say they are.. and the pedophiles are smart enough to know how to manipulate volnerable minds....
its NOT one of the best ways to keep in touch.. that is still the telephone
yes if kids are gonna use it they should use it wisely BUT they should also be empowered enough not to think they NEED to use it at all..
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
i agree myspace is only dangerious to people who put their info like name number address schedual ect or a picture. im not a user of but i do know they have safety features so their should be no problem
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
My Space is retarded. Just like this stupid Yahoo "Answer" thing. A waste of time but its addictive.
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
Although kids do know better, in childhood kids are usually on it to make friends online because they are having a hard time in school and real life, reason being that they are on the computer in middle of the day. This makes them gullable to the little things, and make their emotions take over away from the smarts.
And I would imagine that Adult %26amp;55holes try to get the little children because they can overpower them, and get to know them without knowing the real person, example if a child was asked at a park those same questions, there's a lot of people watching.
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
i think that the kids are putting themselves into dangerous situations..alot of them are actually meeting the people from online...i think if they keep their profile set to private and don't talk to strangers there shouldn't be a problem...myspace is what you make it...for example, if you put naked pics on there you will probably have crazy people trying to talk to you
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
One huge red flag I notice with myspace when it comes to the underage users is that even though myspace has "protection" for them in the form of "private" profiles - not accessable to general public - where you are only allowed to view their profile if they accept that it doesn't stop young people from being able to search myspace for everyone %26amp; everything...they can get in contact with older people and allow them access.
**The ones who get raped or beaten are usually stupid enough to put real info about themselves on their profile***
this actually isn't true. Regardless of "true" information or not, people with bad intentions can easily portray themselves as something they are not, gain the young persons trust, and get information that way.
An adult can easily go onto myspace, set up a child's private accoount, and be able to talk to young people with ease...
the "privacy" on myspace, is not really privacy at all.
It is a parents responsibility to monitor any internet usage done by their kids. myspace or any other site.
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
The website perverted justice will provide you with an answer. To the right on the main page is a list of children who have recently been abducted after meeting an adult. To the left is the dialogue that the last adult male to get arrested thought he had with a child. You can read all of the dialogues that have been logged by perverted justice. They serve as a disgusting reminder of something so prevalent in our society.
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
i agree with what you said. they should be teaching kids how to use it safely. there are some kids stupid enough to put their address and phone number and things on their page and accept friend invites from people they dont even know.
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
You answered your own question. A lot of kids are sheltered and innocent and just don't know what's going on in real life, so they are too open and honest about their ID. I've seen some older girls give their place of work and college and major, etc.
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
that is one of the reasons why i don't allow my kids to go on the web unless it is strictly pbs kids .org kids shouldn't be allowed get there own sights until there at least 16 or 17 at that old the "young adults" or kids ain't as trusting on the other hand are programed to answer all questions regardless of who asked the question it not that they are "stupid" its "society who teach children that they need to answer the questions that are asked them
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
I agree that parent's should teach their children about the internet and what not to post. But how many kids out there actually listen to their parents? Kids will always be kids. There is a reason they are not considered an adult until 18. They are innocent and unaware to the sick pathetic pervs out there. MySpace is a dangerous place for kids because it easy access to them. For those people with kids...would you let your child talk to a complete stranger with out you knowing? It's practically the same thing.
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
Kids are Kids. Easily give their personal information so dangerous for them.
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
It isnt dangerous for kids.
Why is MySpace so dangerous for kids?
unfortunately alot of children especially teens use their spaces when they are depressed of fighting with parents .....which is a good outlet and a way to get it all out by writing in blogs ...however there are alot of sick minds ready to take full advantage of these youngsters ....mind you I love my space and couldn't imagine not having it, it keeps friends and family up to date in our daily lives and whats happening I do agree by teaching our children the correct way of using spaces is a great and educational thing to do would be amazed at some of the wonderful spaces ....there's just that handful of people that spoil things for the rest of us honest individuals
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