Monday, December 28, 2009

Talking To Your Friend On Myspace...?

Okay! So my Best Friend Has A Myspace and My Best Best Best Friend has just recently got one...And My Parents said I can't get one. I have told them that I have a gaiaonline which is so much like it. They Know I have a profile on it...and all that crap. I am 12 and I don't want one just to be like my friends. I want to talk to them and things like that. I have told them over and over again that they can put it on private and monitor me...but still the answer is no. They told me about those people who stalk but I know about it. I totally and honestly know when someone is trying to talk to me who i don't know and they still say no. It makes me pissed that they want me to get a girlfriend, and yet no myspace to talk to her w/. I have no cellphone so how else. parents are always on the phone and...Idk how to convince them! Also...I want a girlfriend and my parents haven't talked to me about "It" and like I read every thing from my science book...should I have my dad read it???

Talking To Your Friend On Myspace...?

your 12 yrs old jesus!

Talking To Your Friend On Myspace...?

well the time will come when u get a girlfriend but yea ask ur dad im 12 to so.. idk wat to do

Talking To Your Friend On Myspace...?

First of all, don't give in to peer pressure. I am 13 and my parents are always on the phone too. Try to get an AIM. If the answer is still no than you shouldn't care. Also don't worry about a girlfriend now. I had one and all it led to was heartbreak.

Talking To Your Friend On Myspace...?

It seems to me like your parents are beyond convincing. The only way would be to make one secretly and make sure your parents never find out about it. That can be difficult depending on how much your parents like to nose into your life. I would sit down and ask my parents why they wouldn't let me have one and try to explain to them that I could handle any problem they foresaw. However, many times parents can be very unreasonable and they won't give you a reason why or listen to anything you say in your defence. Maybe you could convince them to get you a cellphone instead. good luck

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